THINGS JUST GOT A LOT FASTER WITH GIGANET! if you’re an existing Giganet client, get ready for an upgrade – free of charge! We know right, we’re pretty awesome. Your faster internet will be kicking in from today, and throughout the weekend. – and your monthly premium stays the same!

The upgrades are as follows:

Giganet wireless:

– 6 Mbps upgraded to 8 Mbps

– 8 Mbps upgraded to 10 Mbps

– 10 Mbps upgraded to 15 Mbps

– 15 Mbps upgraded to 20 Mbps


– 15 Mbps upgraded to 25 Mbps

– 25 Mbps upgraded to 30Mbps

– 30 Mbps upgraded to 60Mbps

Any questions? give us a call 081 755 2863